If you have something to say, Say It!

IMG_20190220_152636_BokehI was wondering- are you the one

who knows how to listen…?

Do I even know that it’s

as vital to listen as it is to be heard?

Nah, nope, nay.

Listen she said,

Hmmmm, her friend nodded,

mind cluttered with thoughts

of the lover who’d gone.

Mom, are you listening?, the child cried,

Hmmm, said she, while she wandered off,

a happy place as a young girl,

Unfettered, free, frolicking.

‘you haven’t responded,” said she,

to her office colleague,

“Oh, did you say something?”

Oh we speak, we talk,

we love our voice,

We think too, we can’t help it.

But do we listen? Really listen?

I ask myself.

No! says inner me.

Yes, I lied to the me that

doesn’t listen anyway.


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